Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

On today’s blog, I want to discuss the many reasons why the Physio & Sports Injury Clinic in Rhos on Sea should be at the top of your list if you get injured and need to get back to full health quickly.

Since opening in 2010 we have had the privilege of helping hundred of people in North Wales get back to their physical best following a injury and we are proud of our great reputation locally.

Who do we help?

We help the People of North Wales live more Active and Healthy lifestyles in order to avoid taking medications or needing surgery. We ultimately get people back to their Physical Best, Fast!

We help a vast array of people (both young and older), from normal aches and pains right up to elite sporting athletes. However, we can’t forget all the amazing Mum’s, Dad’s and Grandparents out there too who we enjoy treating just as much!

So if you are struggling with anything of the following we can help:

What makes us Unique?

Our results speak for themselves. We get people back doing what they love again quickly. SIMPLE!

  1. We listen & take time to get to know you properly.

    The most common complaint in Healthcare generally across the UK is the issue of not being felt listened to, so that is what we try and prioritise here at The Physio & Sports Injury Clinic. Right from the start wit your inquiry on our website/ first phone call inquiry through to meeting in person at your initial consultation we are here to listen and help find the root cause of your problem.

    We also insist all our initial consultations last an hour in length (not 10mins like at your GP surgery). You can’t truly get to the bottom of someones problem & get someone better in 10minutes. Its just not possible. We set aside an hour on purpose to allow us to take a detailed history and do a thorough examination. This stops you getting mis-diagnosed and at the end of the day you can’t treat something unless you have the correct diagnosis first! Remember the devil is in the detail.

  2. We get the Outcomes people want.

    In order to achieve any treatment goal/transformation, chances are your injury won’t get better in just 1 consultation alone. Its physically just not possible for most injuries to do that. This is why we encourage our patients to choose a individual Treatment Package option after the consultation (instead of doing the normal Pay as you Go style).

  3. We are a specialist centre for Sports & Performing arts injuries.

    We are 1 of the only specialist clinic that deals with many Sports and Performing arts injuries daily. People will travel far and wide across North Wales to come and see us. What helps with this is having good connections to many top surgeons in the area if we require any diagnostic scanning (Ultrasound, MRI or CT) to help aid our diagnosis too.

    We treat all types of sports person including: rugby, footballers, runners, swimmers, triathletes, trail runners, cyclists, ice skaters, cross-fit members, hill walkers etc (the list goes on…)

  4. Location:

    We are the only Physio Clinic in North Wales set inside a commercial gym/health club, setup with the very latest equipment for all your exercise/rehabilitation needs. There’s tons of FREE parking on the road or in the onsite car park, and we are located right in the heart of Rhos town centre.

  5. We will always try and see you quickly.

    The good news is we pride ourselves on having no waiting list here at The Physio & Sports Injury clinic. We will also ways try and fit you in where ever we can. As we are a private clinic people do tend to come in quick when injured meaning we catch things early, therefore treatment doesn't then take forever and a day to complete. We are also open 6 days a week both daytime and evenings and people can always get hold us easily (whether that’s to ask for advice or to arrange an appointment).

    If you would like to make an appointment with us - Please get in touch below via the link.

If you are unsure about physio generally - what to do or who to go and see, then STOP and think for a second. When you contact a therapist, as yourself were you listened to and did they truly want to help you get better fast! Or did they just suggest quick-fix treatment with no real goal in mind?

There’s a reason we have been trusted by the North Wales community for nearly 10 years!
